Putting health first at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐与全球领导人一道出席了世界经济论坛2024年年会,以提升健康在全球议程上的地位, 倡导加强卫生系统并改变卫生保健服务方式.

Over the last several decades, 科学创新使医学和医疗保健取得了显著进步,使人们的寿命更长, healthier lives and fuelling economic prosperity. A McKinsey report highlights that one-third of economic growth1 发达经济体在上个世纪的进步可归因于健康和发展中国家的改善, for every $1 invested in health, Brookings found a possible economic return of between $2 to $42.

Today, however, healthcare around the world is strained. 不堪重负的卫生系统正在努力满足人口老龄化的需要,并应对日益加重的慢性病负担, and health inequities are growing in low- and high-income countries, driven in part by the climate crisis.

With more ground-breaking medical advancements on the horizon, 卫生系统必须跟上步伐,使患者能够从这些创新中受益. 这就是为什么澳门第一赌城在线娱乐与来自世界各地的领导人一起参加2024年世界经济论坛年会——将健康置于可持续未来的核心位置.

Learn more about the interconnection between climate change, resilience and health equity in the below video.

Strengthening health systems and transforming healthcare

During the WEF Annual Meeting, we met with government leaders, 多边组织和民间社会倡导采取行动,加强卫生系统,使其能够满足当今和未来的人口卫生需求.  

This can be achieved by: 

  • 认识到卫生是对未来的长期投资,而不是短期成本; 
  • Acting early to prevent, diagnose and treat disease;
  • Prioritising scientific innovation to unlock the potential digital, data and technology; and 
  • Building climate-resilient, net zero health systems, addressing the effects of climate change on health.  

Shining a spotlight on climate, resilience and equity

Through key engagements, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的领导层强调,迫切需要建立卫生系统的复原力和可持续性,以满足当前和未来的卫生需求, noting the lessons learned from COVID-19 and the cost of inaction.

世界卫生组织(世卫组织)最新警告称,一种未知的“X疾病”导致的死亡人数可能是冠状病毒大流行的20倍, Michel Demaré, our Non-Executive Chair of the Board, joined a mainstage panel on “Preparing for Disease X.” Alongside Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, WHO, the panel explored practical solutions to strengthen health systems, including evidence-based recommendations from the Partnership for Health System Sustainability and Resilience.

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐还召集了全球卫生和环境领导人,讨论了在气候变化面前改善卫生系统复原力的主题. 种子全球健康首席执行官、世卫组织总干事气候与健康特使凡妮莎·克里. With a particular focus on financing, 这次圆桌讨论探讨了如何部署资金以加速产生影响, equitable and scalable interventions.  

此外,认识到自然在健康和保健方面的重要作用, we announced that we will be an ‘early adopter’3 of the recommendations from the Taskforce on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD). 这意味着从明年开始,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐将公开与自然相关的依赖关系、风险和机会. With climate change and biodiversity loss closely interlinked, 这表明澳门第一赌城在线娱乐致力于通过降低医疗保健的环境足迹,同时投资于自然和生物多样性,来保护和恢复生态系统.

Dr. Vanessa Kerry

种子全球健康首席执行官和世界卫生组织气候与健康特使, at a roundtable co-hosted by AstraZeneca and Seed Global Health

Michel Demaré


Pam Cheng

Executive Vice President, Global Operations and IT, and Chief Sustainability Officer, AstraZeneca in a ‘Setting Standards for Nature’ session

Accelerating action through partnership

当今卫生系统面临的挑战的范围和规模要求卫生部门内外的利益攸关方共同努力. 自可持续市场倡议启动以来,卫生系统 Task Force4 在COP26上,合作伙伴采取了具体行动,加速向净零卫生保健过渡. 

At this year’s WEF Annual Meeting, we, along with four other global healthcare companies, announced an industry-first renewable power agreement5 to decarbonise their operations in China. In partnership with Envision Energy, one of China’s largest renewable energy companies, 该协议不仅减少了相当于25年的排放量,000 cars off the road, 但它发出了对可再生能源的强烈需求信号,并为大规模推动脱碳的集体行动制定了蓝图. 

By focusing on the interconnected themes of health resilience, 气候行动和公平,强调健康是繁荣和运转良好的社会的基础, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐在世界经济论坛年会上的活动旨在激发各部门的行动与合作. By working together, we can act faster and make greater progress.

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1. 健康优先:繁荣之道|麦肯锡. www.mckinsey.com. Available from: http://www.mckinsey.com/industries/healthcare/our-insights/prioritizing-health-a-prescription-for-prosperity#section-header-1

‌2. Remes J, Wilson M, Ramdorai A. 卫生投资如何为发展中经济体带来巨大的经济回报[互联网]. Brookings. 2020. Available from: http://www.brookings.edu/articles/how-investing-in-health-has-a-significant-economic-payoff-for-developing-economies/

3. Setting Standards for Nature [Internet]. World Economic Forum. 2024 [cited 2024 Feb 6]. Available from: http://www.weforum.org/events/world-economic-forum-annual-meeting-2024/sessions/setting-standards-for-nature/

‌4. Health Systems taskforce [Internet]. Sustainable Markets Initiative. Available from: http://www.sustainable-markets.org/taskforces/health-systems-taskforce/

5. 五家全球医疗保健巨头合作在中国使用可再生能源. Sustainable Markets Initiative. [cited 2024 Feb 6]. Available from: http://www.sustainable-markets.org/news/five-global-healthcare-leaders-secure-industry-first-multi-party-agreement-to-access-renewable-power-in-china/


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